Then, when prompted, she later deduces that the true meaning of the scroll is to illustrate that each person is their own source of limitless potential and power (trite as she admits she finds the sentiment initially). Fenghuang was once part of the Former Furious Five, but after being dubbed the most powerful out of the quintet, she challenged Oogway and lost, fleeing to the Northern Mountains for refuge. [5], The current Furious Five heard a lot about her. Fenghuang likes huge, impressive techniques like her "Impossible Moves", while Taylor is shaping up to be a stealth attacker. Po raised an eyebrow. In his life as the Dragon Warrior, Po has fought many villains, but there are three of them that he will never forget: the proud Tai Lung, the ambitious Shen and the greedy Kai. "@ . Instead of visiting and bringing forth environments and items from a number of pocket dimensions she possesses. Une lgende raconte que lorsque le calme est trop prsent, il finit par tre chamboul violemment avec des consquences effroyable. A little bit of resentment on Tigress' side. Now they have the task of finding why the long absent Padriac Rattigan is in Zootopia, all while those hurt before try to recover, finding a long road stretched ahead. Cai Huo (Tai Lung and Tigress's Daughter), Jing (Kung Fu Panda) Bao (Kung Fu Panda) Nu Hai (Kung Fu Panda) Fan Tong (Kung Fu Panda), Amelia (Disney: Treasure Planet)/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Crane(Kung Fu Panda)/Sheik(Legend of Zelda, E. Aster Bunnymund (Guardians of Childhood)/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), E. Aster Bunnymund/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Fa Mulan | Hua Mulan (Disney)/Po (Kung Fu Panda), Gideon Grey (Zootopia)/Po (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Character(s), Jindiao (Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny)/Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda), Kai (Kung Fu Panda) & Death | The Wolf (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish), Kai (Kung Fu Panda) & Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Character(s), Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Female Character(s), Lord Shen/Lord Shen's Father (Kung Fu Panda), Lucario (Pokemon) & Shifu (Kung Fu Panda), Lucario (Pokemon)/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Luthera the Wandering Blade/Po (Kung Fu Panda), Mantis/original Female Characters Mantis/OC, Mei Mei (Kung Fu Panda)/Song (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness), Oogway (Kung Fu Panda)/TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Po (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Po and Shifu (Previous student and teacher), Shifu (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Soothsayer (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) & Original Male Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Female Character(s), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)/Original Male Character(s). Being personally trained by Oogway, her abilities became stronger and she also knew various other kung fu techniques (or possibly the other Impossible Moves) like she was the only one from the First Five to cast the shielding spell around both her and her allies that created an energy force-field to protect them from Xi'ans mystical sword and demon powers. kungfupandaxmalereader 1 Story Sort by: Hot # 1 Po's older brother (kung fu panda) by Isabel 623 12 2 M/n the oldest son of Mr, Ping and the adopted human brother of Po. After a comforting talk from Master Sloth, it decides to the form of a massive spider. Comically seen with the sheep village where one of them muses that villagers disappearing is practically a tradition at this point. Mr. Ping is annoyed when people try to talk about this in front of Po, who canonically does not know he's adopted until the second film. Master Chicken (Kung Fu Panda) Master Crane. A Cause for the Paws 24m Po's popularity is gone after wicked weasels steal a powerful gauntlet. The Furious Five and Shifu are ready for a ride. Apologies. Monkey adds that they have to have inner peace after some thought, but it's clear that she made them start to realize that there is more to being the Dragon Warrior than simply being the best fighter. splitting Dragon into two identical versions of herself. Elle still has the basics of her canon power, with a fundamental difference. Will she discover who she was always meant to be? Fenghuang fell to evil, while Taylor suffers from. She didn't even know what Chi. Subverted by Oogway, who intervened to prevent the former and is preventing the latter by being a mentor to Taylor. and may become the Dragon Warrior sooner than in canon. Something that should be impossible since the Queen Adminstrator notes to have never encountered any energy like Chi before. The inability to die combined with the satisfying feeling of killing things has made Aurora unlike any other phoenix. Whereas Taylor's father is a depressed, neglectful parent whom Taylor is unable to rely on when she needs him most, Oogway is a. Rated: PG There are a few things I would like to see in any future Kung Fu Panda movies, such as, a deeper look into the origins of the Furious Five, Master Shifu and possibly Master Oogway. Quirkless chaos ensues. Taylor's color scheme, plus her scarf, give her the same color scheme as her canon outfit (Taylor is brown and black with yellow eyes). In "A Stitch in Time", Fenghuang has mastered five additional Impossible Moves and used them (along with the Thundering Wind Hammer a few times) to defeat Shifu and the Furious Five in the Jade Palace, saving the fifth new one (the Flying Ring of Energy) just for Po, then Po uses the Shuyong Seeds to learn how to avoid the new Fenghuang's move, but she managed to go back in time with him and finds out about the Shuyong seeds that Po had found. Kai, the chi-stealing ox, is back in the mortal realm and out for blood. Shifu had no idea what the Custodian was talking about and history happened anyway. Po Ping is a simple farm boy living with his goose father, content to live his farmer's life until he dies, never questioning the rules, until he sees something he's not supposed to. Fenghuang temporarily helping her former teammates. as in more than luffy's estimated 7 number. As an assassin, they are known to be sneaky troublemakers. Fenghuang declared she would have vengeance upon the panda as she was taken away to Chorh-Gom Prison. Set between Kfp 1, and KFP 2. [2][3] Her final attempt on revenge resulted in her banishment to oblivion by the Shuyong Tree. Welcome to the future, where everything is perfect and just. monkey viper tigress +9 more Yao mentions that in his meditations he's seen into other worlds as well: One where instead of settling in China, Oogway settled down in England, where he helped. The other gets pulled in the Spirit Realm and gets turned into an actual Dragon made of Chi. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Dragon Scroll is meant to show yourself, but everyone in canon always misses the significance of the reflective surface at first, so her noting her own image at all, let alone with such self-awareness, displays to Oogway that she's plenty wise already. Fenghuang is mentioned several times but hasn't had any major appearances. The Furious Five were able to destroy her talons when Po found out she can't break iron. The creature inside the mirror taunts him, causing Bowser to accidentally be sucked into another universe. Tong Fo is obviously a bit disturbed by how dysfunctional Shifu and Shirong's relationship is. Continued is the story in which Po loses his memory in an incident with the Croc Bandits and is convinced by Fung he is a ruthless crocodile bandit (the leader of the crew in fact.) Once again, Fenghuang tried to sway Po to her side, and offered to show him another of the Seven Impossible Moves, and Po displayed more and more interest in joining her. *signs off* Gongmens Council falls. The horrors of a new body was short lived, as, in a drop of a hat, he is torn from his home and flung into a world with people like him. But for the first time in his existence..The first time ever in his existence did he see such a particular case.A soul already there in the spirit realm, but not one that needed to be taken yet. Thank you so much! Over the years, the most powerful of us have all had one thing in common: they've become dark, twisted, villainous. Picture drawn by me. 7/23/2020 in Fanon Kung fu panda fanfic So I have a new kfp fanfiction in the works and I think it will blow your mind and give you some shock One circumstance leads to another, and she trains Po for their journey across China, with Tigress and Shifu, and even more friends made along the way. The two fought, and Fenghuang defeated him and told Po to stab Shifu, wanting him dead so that she could replace him.[2]. From their end, leading to their defeat, the twins witness what went wrong. A young woman cannot find her place in the normal world. Luckily, the resident time-traveler recognizes him, so he does get treated like the king he is. Taylor is more mentally stable and physically fit than in canon. Po told her Oogway was gone, news which excited Fenghuang, who was convinced that with Oogway out of the way, nothing could stop her from conquering the Valley of Peace. To catch it, he suddenly gets on to the table, grabs the bowl as it falls with one hand, then quickly catches all the spilled broth before it hits the ground by simply twisting his arm. She fought Po and the Furious Five, publicly humiliating Crane by throwing him into a wall. Until she was the most powerful of the Five, and that's when she started to change. the reason Tigress has been doing odd-jobs for money had been to gather the funds to save Bao Gu Orphanage, where she grew up. However, Po proved to be too virtuous of a warrior to fall for Fenghuang's offer, and he tricked her, pretending to be on her side before he managed to imprison her. When he nearly fell to his death, Fenghuang unexpectedly appeared, grabbed him and carried him to her lair. While both are owls, they're wildly different. Past a certain difference in size, however, this reverses as the smaller combatant can more readily dodge attacks and maneuver around their opponent. Oogway dives into the ocean to fight a pirate whale. She grew up wit this is a story about a Panda and a Human whom are like brothers to each other become powerful Kung Fu masters and have a secret past that connect them both to there pat IS IN THE WORKS Shifu (subtly) tries to do the same thing to Taylor that he would to Po going very hard on a Kung Fu student in the intention of making them quit. Bian Ziao is following eagerly in his father's footsteps, and was even inspired by. To Shifu, Taylor is this to Fenghuang. I had a sudden burst of inspiration and decided to make this for my gay ass. But before he could contain her, she flew away from the palace. (which nearly happens when he tries to eat the QA Shard and is what would happen if he tried to fight Scion). (Slams table) Po and Tigress have a healthy relationship dammit! Taylor's comments to Taotie inspire him to create Trap Armor, which is a significant upgrade from what he had before and poses a real threat to the Palace. Fenghuang created a Mongolian Fireball. Fenghuang (Kung Fu Panda) - Works | Archive of Our Own Po The Big, Bad Croc by BatmanFanmiac Kung Fu Panda (Movies), Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness (Cartoon) General Audiences Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Work in Progress 24 Dec 2022 Graphic Depictions Of Violence Po (Kung Fu Panda) Shifu (Kung Fu Panda) Returning to the Jade Palace, she first confronted Shifu (who at the moment held the same incense she disliked), and the two engaged in combat. To Taylor's embarrassment, people think that before she had her "accident", she was part of a very rich family, so much so that they had people to preen their feathers for them. Finally, even with this refined search, he will still see the ghosts of those that a person has contact/is involved with and even see objects like a van carrying them away. Everyone in China cried with happiness at the success of their panda hero, Po. Taylor as Tailei. Rather than becoming a parahuman, Taylor begins training in kung fu and the use of chi. Scion, if Kai were recruited for the Gold Morning, him overgorging himself and dying, just as he did in the third movie. One remains on Earth Bet and has merely forgotten the last ten minutes. This IS a Kung Fu Panda Fan-Fic. [2], Fenghuang was once a protg of Oogway, who mentored her to become a powerful warrior. Language: Contents 1 Appearance of the Entities convinced him that Worms are evil. Shifu decides to visit Tai Lung before he breaks out and the two have a conversation similar to the original movie. In "The Spirit Orbs of Master Ding", Fenghuang made a cameo in a flashback where she and the other Furious Five members of her generation stopped Master Ding from taking over the Valley of Peace. You are correct, "Ah. Please consider turning it on! When Taylor starts to talk openly about her troubles before coming to the Jade Palace, she talks about how her father became a, Taylor points out that, since there were several days in-between Tai Lung being rejected as the Dragon Warrior and his rampage, he hadn't suffered a psychotic break but had likely been stewing over his resentment instead. After they answer, Taylor points out that from what she's heard, Tai Lung was all those things, and if he was unworthy, who could possibly be worthy? The Halloween Equivalent for the KFP world is. A series of which various characters from different franchises will be dressed in frosty iridescent clothing. Likewise, Shifu runs into Taotie and Bian Zao shopping while travelling through the market. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Instead of using the phoenix for good, they have used it for their own needs. Fenghuang, "Owl Be Back" from Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness. It is. While climbing the mountain, Po and the others again fought the owl, who now had new steel talons. carnivorous animals are explicitly pescetarian, as bony fish (aside from Koi) are non-sapient, growing too fast and wilting when its stalk stretched too thin, brute-forces its way into the KFP Spirit World, costing Monkey some money; he bet she'd run off again, Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You, stop treating Taylor derisively when they learn she has one, accidentally bifurcates himself with the Sword of Heroes, This did lead to a law that barred women from the military due to their low numbers, somehow accidentally splits himself in half with it while trying to attack them, would NOT be an effective Hard Counter to, found Loamhedge and became great friends with Luke the Warrior, Oogway soundly won with one arm behind his back, biggest and strongest croc in the KFP series, Po shows off some of the intrinsic skill he secretly possesses in the first Movie when he accidentally knocks a customer's bowl of broth into the air. What if the strawhat pirates had more crewmenbers? This tag belongs to the Fandom Category. Kung Fu Panda Fanfic: Po x OC story They manage to save Elephant, but Fenghuang surprises the team by disposing of the sword in the volcano. It was ultimately. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). The Valley is calm, and her love for Po grows day by day. Po, seeming willing to do so, took a sword and struck, and Shifu gasped and closed his eyes. He then discards the idea as he considers it too on-the-nose for Oogway. You are Master Y/n of the Jade palace. When the Queen Administrator followed Taylor into the Spirit Realm, it initially didn't have a specific form as it didn't see itself as an individual. He hasn't had any sex in ages, and Tigress is so hot and strong Bowser may have bitten off more than he can chew, but fortunately, the Alphas are here to guide him. While not a technology, Taylor introduces and teaches some bullied workers the idea of a Worker's Union. An old friend, a brother not by blood but of bond, checks up on the defeated warrior. Tigress is happy. A collection of 500 word drabbles of quickies - also known as a brief act or instance of having sex according to the dictionary. It ends up reviving him after he electrocutes himself. Oogway even decides to take her to Japan when he receives word of the monster in Japan (who is secretly the QA shard). While Tai Lung thinks that this is proof his destiny will lead to him becoming the True Dragon Warrior, those who are familiar with the setting know that these are basically all of his scenes in the first film: Escaping his restraints with a goose feather, fighting the Five on the bridge, fighting Shifu at the Palace, opening the scroll, and getting defeated by the Wuxi Finger Hold. In this fic, she's an outright, A huge point of the story, since Taylor gets transformed into an owl. 402 and Tattletale accidentally pushes it as far as becoming a Trigger Event, Queen Administrator sneaking up behind him, The Queen Administrator Shard appearing in Japan, Dragon is pulled into the Spirit World, she turns into, well, a dragon but Master Bear claims she's not. Emma and Sophia realized they crossed a line with the locker incident, although (unknown to them) Oogway basically prevented worse. Kung Fu Panda Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. But then a strange epidemic begins to sweep through the most remote villages- an illness that doesn't kill, only drains. ~ Po might just be the laziest, clumsiest panda in the Valley of Peace, but he secretly dreams of becoming a Kung Fu legend but one day when the unexpectedly chosen to ful " I never stopped thinking about what happened what I did to you I never forgave myself for it and you probably will never forgive meY/n". Weirder even when he meets a spirit of a world-famous general while caught in a villain's trap. Taylor asks Po to build the Jade Palace mantis-sized training dummies, referencing Po's various lines in the films that Mantis is the same size as his action figure, as well as the scene in the second film where Po's Mantis action figure played a stand-in for the real thing in Gongmen City. Tai Lung has been getting dreams in his prison, with the repeating motifs of a feather, a bridge, the Jade Palace, him opening the Dragon Scroll, and a flash of Golden Light. But things change when a blast from the past comes to help him and encourages Po to go on a journey to become the greatest stud in the weirdest way. Fenghuang is a character from the Nickelodeon television series Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness and the online game Kung Fu Panda: Tales of Po. a mystery, Keith & Shiro (Voltron) are Adoptive Siblings, they're just a bunch of pervs and I love them ;), Princess Luna | Nightmare Moon (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic). She was voiced by Wendie Malick. When she gets a message from a sheep village, she's actually better about this, and asks for help from the other Masters before she runs off (, Tigress sparring in another room creates such a loud crash that it gets mistaken by Taylor for. Of course, since in the future Lidong will eventually grow up to be the. AU - Meet Po Ping. Earth Aleph, the only world that Earth Bet has regular contact with, with fewer and weaker parahumans than on Bet. Takes place after the third movie (New Chi abilities). Earth Bet, the main world for Worm, home of Brockton Bay, Danny Hebert, and the PRT. Or the queen she is, as Bowser tries on the Super Crown and realizes he likes being a she sometimes. He actually stops his attempts to kill both of them when he hears about some of the stuff for a little bit, at least. During the canon omake, Taylor thinks she spots another owl shadow on the backdrop to her plays but knows she's the only owl in the valley at the time.